Motorcycle Repair: 2005 heritage softail (carb tuning), air fuel mixture, poor gas mileage

Like most guys when you get a new bike, jet kit, K & N air filter, V&H longshots w/baffels. Changed everything but only got poor gas mileage, no performance. Went back to stock on carb and stock pipes with a quarter size hole drilled into baffel. Just accepted the normal spit & sputter, but only to get annoying startups warm or hot, not wanting to start unless you give it a little fuel and it still hesitates. I have just went through the carb and found the o-ring on the pilot-jet ripped in half (replaced),I was told to step up the low speed jet from 45 to 48, main jet stock 190. Currently 48 low speed, 190 main, pilot opened 2 1/2 turns, V&H longshots, K&N air filter. starting is fine cold w/enrichner, still a little hard to start... when you stop, say for gas, stop, pump gas, go in and pay, come back turn key, wait on check eng. light, hit start nothing, crack throttle 1/4" hit start and maybe it will start 3 to 6 revs of starter? any thoughts, thanks for your time.    Jon

ANSWER: Couple of questions. What jet kit did you use and what color are your sparkplugs

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: V&H jet kit, plugs are medium dark (charcol)

Start by starting the bike and letting it warm up. After the bike warms up slowly turnt he air/fuel misture screw inward just untilt he bike start the stumble. Now turn it outward, counting the number of turns until it start to stumble. Go back 1/2 the number of turns you counted.
I would go back one jet size on the intermediate jet. If your plugs are charcoal color then you are running rich. Get the bike running right ont he intermediate jet first. that would be between 1000-2500 RPM. Then do the same witht he main jet. A 190 is a little big for what you have.
Everytime you change jets, reset the air/fuel mixture like I stated before
Good luck andhappy riding