Motorcycle Repair: leaking gas, overflow tube, custom chopper

I was getting off the freeway the other day when it was brought to my attention that I was leaking gas out of what I believe is called the overflow tube,(opposite side of pep-cock.This is on a custom chopper BMC 2006 bobber with a rev-tec 88 inch.I called the shop where I purchased the bike and they said it sounds like the float bowl is malfunctioning probably need to blow out needle.This bike came with a 30 thousand mile warranty should I even try to figure this out on my own.If so could you please walk me through this I'm not familiar with motorcycle repair diagrams would be very helpful. THANKS ALOT

Either the needle is leaking or the float is sticking. Youw ould have to remove the carb and float bowl the repair. Since the bike is under warrenty I would let the shop do it. If you damage somthing they might not cover it under warrenty
Good luck and happy riding