Motorcycle Repair: 1975 Honda CB400F, engine fires, sport motorcycle

Hello. I have a 1975 Honda CB400F Super Sport motorcycle. Recently, I changed the spark plugs, oil, gasoline and battery as it has not been started in about 8 years.  After installing all of these parts the motorcycle will not start up.  Any suggestions?

have you checked to see if it has spark to the
spark plugs?  I would check that the points
are clean, and gapped around .014"
If the spark looks okay, you probably have
carbs that are gummed up from sitting so long.
The jets get plugged and will not allow any fuel
to the engine. Also check the fuel tap or petcock
as it could be gummed up as well.
Try spraying some carb cleaner or wd40 in the
carbs and see if the engine fires, then you will know
that fuel shortage is the likely problem.
Make sure the air filter is clean also.