Motorcycle Repair: 91 kawasaki 600r, vent hose, vacuum type

Changed my oil before riding for the first time after winter. I noticed that the oil was half gasoline so I cleaned the floats and reassembled the carb. I have checked the level using a clear plastic hose, and all levels seem to be equal. Now I'm having a new problem. The bike runs fine as long as it is sitting, but when I take it out I can only get about ten blocks before it sputters then it sometimes backfires, and quits. If I give it 15 minutes then it will start again and run for another ten blocks then the same thing happens. I have let the bike sit on the center stand running for over 30 minutes and it has no problem ( good throttle response, good sounding idle) but then I take it around the block ten times and then suddenly... sputter, (sometimes)backfire, then quit. Please help, I haven't a clue.
               Wishing the best to you and yours.       Mike  

sputter and backfire means you ran out of gas for
some reason. I suspect a plugged gas cap vent, try
opening the cap and see if it goes.
Check for plugged carb float bowl vent hose. The vent is not
attached anywhere is it? It should hang down under
the float bowl. Also, check your fuel tap, if it
is a vacuum type, just stick a hose on it and suck,
gas should flow out readily.