Motorcycle Repair: gas shooting out pipes, honda magna 750, vent lines

QUESTION: i forgot to turn on the gas at the petcock started bike up bike stopped running when gas stopped coming from tank turned on gas bike would not start smelled gas thought it was flooded.crank case filled with gas and gas was dripping out of left pipe 95 honda magna 750  help
ANSWER: Hi ray,
      I started typing a reason that you could be having your problem and then i thought my reason did make any sense.I was going to say that you needed new seat valves but you had the bike running and then it ran out of gas and then when you turned the gas on it wouldnt start and the crank case filled with fuel.ok i got it now!!!Did you ever get it running in this ordeal or was gas dripping out of the left pipe on its own?Honestly I dont know a solution to your problem unless i can get some more details...glad i could help....alittle.

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QUESTION: i think when i started bike up and forgot to turn the gas on it made so kind of vacuum i thought it might have sucked one of the floats down tapped on carbs didnt work changed oil,filter plugs still wont start gas shoots out left smells like a lot of gas is running outpipe might be vacuum petcox sombody told me bike always started on first try i think it has somthing to do with not turnning on the gas when i started it up and letting it run till it stopped it had to create some kind of vacuum that did somthing or shut somthing down thangs for your help
ANSWER: The motor will make a vacum but that is why there are vent lines on the carbs...check and  make sure there are no obstructions to the vent lines.Try turning the gas off and see if it starts amd if it does turn the gas on...still sounds like ther is a float level height problemHope that helps more its hard not being ther and listing to the bike run...........dan

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QUESTION: thanks for writting back ill look at the vent lines it just every time i try and start it up the crank case gets filled up with gas and i have to change oil and filter again and a lot of gas goes down in to the one left pipe and dripes out of the pipe on the floor it has my gararge smelling like gas real bad thanks again

Try checking the float bowl height and seat valve, if you dont have a manual you can find the info on you dont feel comfortable doing it take it too a deale it shouldnt be more than a hour labor, and if you need additional help i can waly you through it...glad i could help....dan