Motorcycle Repair: Head & Base gasket coating, gasket materials, head gaskets

Howdy Roy....I have one of my bikes torn down and am getting ready to reassemble it. I have torn down and reassembled many car motors but this is my first bike motor.

My question is: should I coat the cylinder base gaskets and the head gaskets with copper gasket spray or assemble them Dry? I use the Permatex Brand Copper Gasket spray on car motors but I am not sure if it is necessary with a bike.

Thank You Very Much!

Pat I assume you are talking about a Harley which is all I do.  No, do not put anything on either base or head gaskets.  I also recommend that you use the Harley factory gaskets and get them from a dealer.  Gasket materials have changed quite a bit in the last few years and you want the newest part # gaskets.