Motorcycle Repair: v.o.e.s switch, ohm meter, rpm

I have a 89 softail. how do we check the v.o.e.s switch .i have power going to it. but how can we tell if its working or not,  thankz

There are a couple of tests you can do. First, start the bike and disconnect the vaccumn hose from the intake and plug the hole. If the switch is working your timing will retard and the RPM's will drop. When you reconnect it the timing will advance and the RPM's will go back up.
The next test you will need a OHM meter and  a vaccumn pump. Unplug the plugin and use. Using the vaccumn pump attached to the VOES switch put a vaccumn on it. At 3.5-4.5 vaccumn it should show zero OHM's. If above that or below that its bad and should be replaced.
Good luck and happy riding