Motorcycle Repair: 1983 Yamaha 750 cc Midnight Virago, check battery, specific gravity

My MV wont start it has a new battery and the starter was turning over but took a few times of turning the starter on and off it will finally catch and start the bike. Then yesterday, I go to start the bike and the lights dim out, and the bike wont even  go click to even turn over the starter.  I was just wandering what I should do?  

Hi Todd,

Get a copy of the Service Manual and learn about troubleshooting and maintaining your Virago. Check this site for manuals:

Things to check:

Test battery voltage and specific gravity- charge or replace accordingly. It's possible to get a defective or weak "new" battery. If the battery is not properly serviced before installing, the battery may not last nor deliver adequate supply of current/voltage.

Check battery lead connections for clean, tightly connected fasteners.

Check the appearance of the spark plugs. They may have fouled during starting attempts.

There are other things to check. You'll need to get the reair manual for details and testing specs.

Visit "" for more tech assistance. Virago Tech has lots of tech intel that you may find resourceful.

Mark Shively