Motorcycle Repair: honda QA50, honda qa50, honda qa 50

i have   a  1973 honda  qa 50,  4 stroke.  one day i shifted the bike into secend, and the shifter just started spinning, i took the cover off covering the clutch, and there was a a bar that ran from the shifter rod to some weird looking thing, but the bar was broke off, i got the replacement peice that broke, and tried riding it, but the shifting isnt working right, the mechanism just slides back and forth to find what gear it desires, and shifting with the foot pedal effects nothing. there was a clip laying loose in the bottom of the case, but there wasnt anywhere to be found that it would go to. no one around here has manuals or anything like that. i can take pictures or whatever i could do to help you. thanks. micah.

Hi Micah.

It is better to have the repair manual.  However, since you cannot find any locally, there are a couple of places online to get them;

You may also want to try to contact Honda, through one of their corporate websites, for a manual if the other sites fail you.

As far as taking pictures, it wouldn't help, since I would need to see inside the engine from a series of angles that pictures just cannot duplicate.

Start by getting the manual.  It will have the diagrams needed for you to see what part that clip came off of.

Sorry that I cannot help you more.

Good luck and ride safe.