Motorcycle Repair: shovelhead bangs into gear, friction discs, emery paper

Yep you were right.  The friction discs were glazed and a little oil soaked.  They were "stock" and looked like orange carboard.  The steel looked a little worn so I am replacing them too.  The ones I had before were more like brake pad material and I could use emery paper on them if my clutch slipped.  
I am going for some Barnett kevlar stuff but one dealer said I'll be sorry.  I run Penzoil 50W racing oil.  They said the oil was the reason my discs failed.  It isn't detergent or synthetic.  What do you think?
Another question is whether I need a different oil on the primary side?  I have seen specific Harley "primary" oil.  I have  heard of Indians having separated primary and crank.  When I did have to rough up the discs before there was a light brown sludge inside the primary.  One guy called it baby poo.  Is it because too much oil is getting over to the primary and the clutch is spinning it into poo?  My bike has an enclosed drive chain. I think oil is also dripped onto the primary chain.  That would explain the oil on that side but the clutch should be mostly dry, right?
thanks for your patience and replies.      
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Do you recommend anything to soak/clean the plates in if they are not clean or dry?

Also where is the idle screw adjustment on my Kehin carb?
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My 1981 FLT ran fine but recently started launching me into first gear.  I will be at a full stop and let the clutch out.  There is a banging noise and the bike launches forward.  It rips the handle bars from my hands.  It doesn't happen all the time and I can't pinpoint if it happens more when warm/cold or if I downshift - neutral coast to a stop.  The clutch arm and clutch cable are not binding and everything looks good under the derby.  The only thing I changed recently was adding a Jag oil cooler.  About a year ago I replaced the friction discs, not the steel.      
If I slooowly let the clutch out and gently roll from a stop it down't launch.  Only happens from first gear.
Check your friction plates to see if they areclean and dry. They might be sticking together
Good luck and happy riding
You can clean them with sandpaper. If they are really oil soked then replace them.
On the carb, follow the throttle cable to the carb and right beside it you will see the adjuster screw.
Good luck and happy riding

First, the oil you use has nothing to do with the clutch disks. You are running a dry clutch. A little bit of oil does get on there, but usually doesnt hurt anything. The Barnetts will work just fine.
Your bike pumps oil to the primary from the oil pump, so you dont need different oil for the primary. Check your oil pump and make sure your not pumping to much oil in there. You will see a small screw on the pump which controls the oil to the primary. You should get a drop about every minute.
Good luck and happy riding