Motorcycle Repair: shocks, bump in the road, cold start

Hello Mike! I've owned a 2005 XL883L for a couple of months and I'm not very familiar with this bike. When I ride over a good size bump in the road I feel the front and back shocks bottoming out, surely that can't be normal. And also the dealer I bought it from told me to warm it up from a cold start by full choke for 90 seconds and then half choke for 90 seconds and then ride. It spits a lot when i start off at stop lights and such , am I warming this bike up correctly? Thanks for your help.

The spitting is from the motor still being cold. You need to let it warm up longer.
As to the shocks, the rear ones will bottom out if you hit a really hard bump, it keeps the tire from hitting the fender. You can bottom the front, but there again you hav eto hit somthing realy hard, like a deep pothole. So to answer your question, yes it is if you hit somthing really deep or hard
Good luck and happy riding