Motorcycle Repair: 1968 Harley Sportster, starter solenoid, starter motor

I own a 68 sportster purchased about 2 or 3 months ago and ridden it in the past.  One day of riding,  i stopped to get gas, and couldn't get it to restart.  Could here the brushes in the starter rattling around, took that apart and can see that i needed new brushes.  Due to age and such, i went ahead and bought a new starter but it still won't start. (electric start)  When i turn the key, in neutral,  I hear the starter motor turning but does not turn over the engine and was thinking solenoid.  Then noticed that in 1st gear, while off, the bike can be rolled without the clutch in, can feel a slight drag but not all that much so then thinking maybe clutch.  One other thing i checked,  I attempted to start it while in first gear without the clutch and bike will jump forward as expected.   Could this just be a poorly adjusted clutch? solenoid?  or something i haven't thought of.

Starting the bike has noting to do with the clutch or being in gear, so lets start with that problem.
If the starter motor is turning over, but not engaging then its probably the starter solenoid so I would replace it. Once you get it running and you are still having a problem with the clutch let me know
Good luck and happy riding