Motorcycle Repair: 1991 FLTSC, signal module, turn signals

I 'jumped' the wires going from where the module plugs in and can get the lights to turn on. I have access to an ohm meter, please tell me how to test for voltage going to the switches. I'm sorry, I don't have much electrical knowlege. I really appreciate your help.

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Question -
Hi, The turn signals on my bike were working sparodically, sometimes they would, sometimes they wouldn't. My service manual indicated that it was the turn signal module. I have replaced that, and still no signals. This bike is in original condition, and the wiring seems to intact with no bare wires. What else could it be? Could have harley sold me a bad module? Is there a way to test the module itself?

Answer -
There is no test for the modual. Check to make sure you have voltage going to the turn signal switches and no short.

You have tow wires at each switch. One is power coming into the switch and one going out of the switch. With the ignition switch on you should have power coming into one wire. Press the button and you should have power going out. Both should be 12 volts