Motorcycle Repair: suzuki gn250 wont run in gear, suzuki gn250, nuetral

i have a suzuki and when it is in Nuetral in runs fine but as soon as you put in in gear it cuts out. Has no electrics at all in gear. This happened while I was riding just suddenly started missing and then stopped altogether.
Soon as you put in in neutral runs fine.
It is my nephews bike and he had the clutch replace not long ago, since then can't get neutral with the motor running. Could this be connected?
Any ideas?
Thanks look forward to hearing from you
Regards Chris

Hi Chris.

There could be an issue with one or more of three things.

1) Neutral switch is bad.

2) Clutch cutoff switch is bad.

3) Sidestand cutoff switch is bad.

Any of these switches, when failing or failed, will cause the bike to shut off when put in gear.  Check them all against the specs and test proceedures in the repair manual and see what you find.  One or more of them may need replacing.

Good luck and ride safe.