Motorcycle Repair: hard to power, honda 750, main tank

I just bought a 1995 honda 750 4cyl magna. It had been in storage for 2 yrs. I have done the following to it before trying to start her. i replaced all fuel, including draing the floats bowls, I replaced all plugs, oil, colants,and the battery. when i tried to start it fuel poured from an over flow or breather tube for tank. I then removed all float bowls and cleaned them out. I found 2 stuck needles. they both freed with just a touch. I replaced the covers and she fired right up. now for the problem(s) when i try to start her in the morning(manual choke all the way out)she fires right up and dies just as fast(I have to turn my idle screw all the way in for her to even try to start) this continues until it warms up a bit, when it does start i hear a dieseling from 1 of the cylinders. after she warms up i have to readjust the idle. then as I go to release the clutch in 1st gear the rpms drop way down and the engine makes a rattling noise. after that she goes but has no throttle responce untill i hit about 4k on the tach. any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated

Hi Howard.

Well, you are half done with the ressurection process.  Here's what you missed;

1) COMPLETELY clean all of the carbs.  NOTE: do not remove or adjust the mixture screws in the carbs

2) Reseal both the main tank and the reserve. This will seal out any potential contamination to the fuel system in the future.

3) Check the valve gap and timing. The specs are in the repair manual that I hope you already got.

4) Synchronize the carbs.

Start with that and let me know what happens.
Good luck and ride safe.