Motorcycle Repair: 1985 VT1100C Clutch, friction discs, clutch plates

My brother-in-law has lost the manual for his bike. I am trying to find some information on replacing the clutch. Do you have the steps needed for this process. I owned the bike before him and know that I had to work on the slave cylinder, under the left cover. I am concerned we don't have all the parts of we have to take the left cover off. The only thing he bought were the clutch plates.

Hi Jim.

Clutchplate removal is a very simple procedure.

1) With the bike on the centerstand, drain the engine oil.

2) Place a block of wood between the clutch lever and handlebar.  Secure it in place to insure that the clutch is not accidentally actuated.

3) Remove the right side engine cover and gaskets. Don't lose the locating dowels.

4) Remove the snap ring securing the clutch lifter plate and the clutch lifter plate assembly.

5) Remove the clutch lifter rod, clutch nut and lockwasher.

6) Remove the clutch pressure plate, friction discs and the clutch plates.

Replacement of the clutch plates is, of course, the reverse of this procedure.

All that you should need are the clutchplates and friction discs.

Good luck and ride safe.