Motorcycle Repair: Electrical, turn signal switch, harley sportster

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I have a 1999 Harley Sportster sport XLH 1200cc. My right turnsignal is not working and the bulb is in good condition? I will be very grateful for any help at all... Thanks, Tony C.
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Do you mean one bulb on the right is working but the other is not?

Hi Mike,Thanks for the quick reply. You guys are amazing! The right turn signal does not work at all. Its not even flashing on the dashboard. I checked the front and rear signal bulbs and they are both serviceable. I hope I explained it better this time. I look forward to your answer...Tony

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First, check to make sure you have power to the turn switch. One side should be hot. When you push the button the other should be hot. If not, then you have a bad switch. If it test ok then you have a bad turn signal modual and it need to be replaced.
Good luck and happy riding

Hi Mike, I was wondering if you could tell me what the turn signal module looks like and where it is located? This should be my last question and thanks so much for this wonderful service...Tony C.
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It is a small black box, about 6" long, 3" wide and about a 1" thick. It should have a plug going in it. It should be mounted under the seat.
Good luck and happy riding

Hi Mike, I'm not having much luck at this. Hope you can still help me check further to find the problem? Well I tested the turn signal switch and it checked out ok so I replaced the module and there was no change. So I thought that maybe I didn't do the switch right and replaced it. No change. I guess it has to be in the ground somewhere? The only problem is I know very little about electricity and I already dumped $165.00 into the bike so I don't have the cash to take it to the shop now but I am learning from all of this. Can you tell me where to look for the grounds and what to do once I find them? Thanks Mike...Tony C.
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If the one side works, then you have a good ground. You stated that the bulbs were good. Are you sure?

Hi Mike,I put the bulbs that were working on the left side into the right side and they didn't work. Even the ones that were on the bad side (the right) worked when I put them into the left so I'm assuming the bulbs are good. If you think its a bad wire would a no nothing about electricity be able to do this job? Thanks for your help Mike...Tony C.
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What you need is a test light and your are going to have ot start tracing wires from the power to the turn signals to the turn signals themselves to find the problem. It would help if you had a harley repair manual, it will have a wiring diagram in it for you to follow.
Good luck and happy riding

Mike, I do have a Harley manual and a test light but I never used the test light to check wiring, I only used it to check contacts. What I need to know is do you keep following the wire and sticking the pointed tip of the probe into the wire piercing the insulation till the light comes on? I want to thank you again for your help and I think the help you give is super. This should be my last question so I hope you have a great summer...Tony C.

Start where the bulb plugs in. You know there is no power there. Follow the wire back to a plug in and test it. the clip on he test light goes to ground and use the point to touch the wire. Keep following the wires until you find power and you have found the problem.