Motorcycle Repair: 61 Honda Hawk cb72, honda hawk, side muffler

I have a 61' 250cc Honda Hawk and I was trying to install a new clutch cable. I loosened the bolt on the tranny which is related to this installation, but I went to far, and I heard the back nut fall inside. I was hoping you could give me some advice so I don't dig myself into a deeper hole. Do I have to take off the whole cover now? Thanks

Dave, the retainer for the clutch adjuster has fallen out the back. You can't replace the cable without removing the kickstarter cover, anyway.
Remove the right side muffler and footpeg assy. Remove all screws and hold the k/s lever steady as you remove the cover from the side. The lever is spring loaded, so will unwind when you pull the cover off. Note the position of the lever before you remove the cover, so it goes back on the same way. You will have to wind the spring back to that position before you installe the cover again.
Inspect the clutch lifter assy, where the cable attaches for worn spring retention hole and excessive wear between the lifter and the thread assy. Good time to replace them, if they can be found locally. Otherwise, pack it full of grease. DO NOT loose the 5/16 ball bearing that pushes on the end of the clutch pushrod. They do fall out sometimes. Grease the hole where it rests and it will stay in place during reassembly.
Turn the clutch cable adjusters all the way in before you install the cover. The external clutch adjuster needs to be positioned with the small line inside the large slot upwards.
With the cover on, turn the adjuster clockwise until it stops, back it off just a fraction, then tighten down the bolt again.... after you have reinstalled the yoke portion.
Make your major adjustment on the cable at the lower end adjuster, then fine tune at the handlebars.

Bill Silver