Motorcycle Repair: VFR 700 Carb Jetting, plug colors, honda vfr

Hi Mark, I have a 1986 Honda VFR 700 that I would like to install a 4 into 1 exhaust system on. I was wondering if I am definitely going to have to re jet the carbs. Will this exhaust modification make such a difference that I will have to do this? Are there any jet kits you would recommend for this model and year?


Hi Kevin,

Technically, any changes to the air, fuel, or exhaust will affect the air-fuel mixtures of the carburetors.

Drop-in jet kits are available and work well, though my experience is these require additional tuning or fine tuning.

Learn about reading the spark plug colors and performing plg chops to know what changes to make to the crabs to correct the A/F mix.

Use throttle opening positons to describe problems with carbs and performance. Carb jets work in specific ranges of throttle opening.

If you send me an email, I'll return several files on carb tuning and spark plug reading. There was no email addy for you as requested.

Mark Shively