Motorcycle Repair: riding bike after its been sitting awhile, intermediate jet, riding bike

I just picked up a great 1990 sporty that has been excellently maintained.  It has 7200 miles and Rinehart exhaust.  The weather here when I rode it home was in the low 50's, 5mph winds, sunny.  I let it idle to warm up for about 2-3 min. with choke 1/2 out, pushing it in frequently to check if still needed.  1st gear slowly down the road 2 blocks to second gear, still with choke 1/2 out.  stop sign, down to 1st.  down road 4 blocks to get air in tires, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,,, slowly up, slowly down.  let idle while aired tires, still pushing in choke to see if needed, but it kept wanting to die, so still at 1/2 out.  down road several more blocks up through gears, down through gears, ranging up to 40mph.  All during this time the engine ran strong, but the exhaust was spitting awful.  worse when I ran the throttle up.  I never got on it, just tried to gradually give it enough gas to keep from dying, and backing off when it was enough.  It spit less and less and towards the last few blocks until it quit all together and ran real sweet all the way home (40 miles).  I got it up to 50mph for several miles then on up to 60 mph going back and forth between 45 - 65 mph.  rest of way home ~ ran like a dream!  
I'm changing the oil today and will ride about 30 miles daily.  
Here's my question;
1st - what was going on with the coughing and spitting?  I'm guessing/hoping it was because the bike has been sitting awhile.
2nd - what things should I be aware of due to it having sit for awhile?  
Thanks for your help!  I love this bike and want to keep it forever!
Have a great day!
Angi :)

The spitting was probably caused from the carb being dry for a while and then you started it and sucked up some dirt. Anytime you have to run the bike with the choke on, then the intermediate jet is plugged and needs to be cleaned. If you are going to ride the bike all the time you needent worry. If you are going to let it sit fot he winter then you need to shut off the petcock and let the bike run until it runs out of gas. That why the carb is not sitting for along time with gas in it. If it does then it will varnish up.
Really there shouldnt be a problem with the bike sitting for a while, except for the above. I would also change the trans fluid also when you change the oil.
Good luck and happy riding