Motorcycle Repair: top end rebuild, ball hone, gasket set

I plan on removing head cykinder and pistons to my evo and wondered whether you thought it would be possible for someone with mechanical abilities to do it for the first time.I studied the manual and am intimidated by the specicfic measurements to the 1000th inch.Is this going to be a major concern?My local shop wants to rape me and i wondered how many hours this would take a pro to do.Thanks in advance for your reply.

You will need special tools like A ball hone, torque plates, valve seat cutters with pilots, lapping compond, and lapping tools, valve guide small gage with mic, venere calipers, spring compression tools and spring tested, solvent tank, ring compressor and ring spreader, and know how to read a mic.  Should I go on????. Torque wrench in inch pounds and foot lbs, feeler gage, flat plat, scotch bright, stud sleeves, manifold O rings, Complete top end gasket set,   and service manual for torque spects.  Johnny