Motorcycle Repair: Adjusting clutch on 4 speed transmission, clutch lever, clutch cable

A close friend just traded for a 1995 Harley Springer, EVO engine but not original transmission, the transmission is a 4 speed with electric start and kick start. Supposedly this bike was gone through completely before he got it? Anyway, when he takes off the clutch slips if you goose it or throttle it fast. I look at the cable going to the transmission and no adjustments there. No mouse trap. Clutch lever is almost fully extended when clutch finally catches. Since it has been 30 years since I worked on a Harley thought I would ask around for him. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Follow the clutch cable from the clutch lever to the trans. There should be a adjuster screw on the end of the cable with a locknut. Loosen the locknut and screw the cable inward to shorten the cable and put slack in it.
Now remove the clutch cover on the primary cover. You will see a locknut and a screw. Loosen the locknut and the screw. Slowly turn the screw inward, just until it seats. Now turn it out about 1/8 of a turn.
Go to the cable adjuster and start turning it outward, tightening the cable. You want about 1/8 inch play inthe clutch lever.
Make sure you tighten both locknuts, put the cover back on and you should be good to go.
Good luck and happy riding