Motorcycle Repair: engine light, gague, roadking


I purchased a 1996 Roadking with about 8500 miles on it and have had it three months and just in the last few days the check engine light has been comming on and going off periodically.  I checked the oil which was low so I added oil and the light went out .I thought that was it but this weekend we took our first long ride of about 2 hours and when we first stoped the light came on . i checked the oil again and it was fine . the light went out but on the way home it came on and off again. it seemed to be if i kept the bike at a certian rpm too long it would come on. i rode the bike home not pushing it . other than the light coming on and going off it ran fine . no backfires,run-on,iddle problems,and it didnt seem to be hot,no less than usal.i have a temp gague on the dipstick and i checked it frequentlyit never wnt over 185. im planning on taking it in for an oil change,but was wondering if this light was a serious problem or some sort of sensor that may need to be reset.sorry for the ignorance but this is my first harley .  

What you need to do is go to a dealership and have them do a dianostic. You check engine light is like the one in your car. This is the only way to be sure.
And remember, no question is a stupid question. It is all a learning process!
Good luck and happy riding