Motorcycle Repair: inoperative sporster, battery cables, sporster

Hi, I have a 1999 1200xL. A few days ago while coming home from work stopped at the post office. when I tried to start the bike, I heard a click and the bike went dead. No lights, nothing. I checked the fuses and they're ok. turn the key to the off position and waited. Turned the key to on, lights came on, hit the start button and the same thing happened.

You have a main breaker by the fuses. It has two wires and is rectangular. Pull the panel off, turn the key and lisening close to it try to start the bike. If it clicks then you either have a bad breaker or a short. First I would change the breaker. If it still does it then you are going to have to take a test light and look for the short. Make sure the battery cables are tight, both hot and the ground also.
Good luck and happy riding