Motorcycle Repair: what does what, capacitor discharge ignition, bike bandit

Mark I tried a new plug wire and plugs on my 83 virago that would just start running on one cylinder all at once, to NO avail. I was told to replace the spark unit or spark regulator can you tell me if they are talking about the ignition box and/or the ignitor unit assembly or the regulator. Also you think this might help trial and error are gonna have to prevail sooner or later. The other thing is I would really like to know the location and proper wording for the alleged "SPARK UNIT"

Thank You again


Hi J,

Can you provide me any history of repairs, any accessories, and if the MC was stored awhile? I'll be able to offer a better diagnosis.

On my 1986 XV1100, the CDI (spark unit, black box, ignitor, etc..) is located under the seat. Yamaha labels this part as "IGNITOR UNIT." I call it CDI = Capacitor Discharge Ignition.

See microfiche parts here: "" or ""

Once Yamaha's site opens, click "Parts and Service" from the menu, and then "Parts Catalog" from the drop down menu. A new page opens, select "Motorcycle" from the left, top menu. Select your year, make and model from the left menus that follow.

With Bike Bandit, click "OEM Parts" and then select your MC from the menus that follow.

Mark Shively