Motorcycle Repair: Exhaust modification 1996 Honda VT600c, stock pipe, jet kit

    I have a 1996 Honda VT600c. I read on another webpage that an owner removed and drilled the exhaust baffles on the stock pipe so that he could add a jet kit. I am experiencing less power then I want and I want to improve performance as much as possible. I don't have a large budget, so I wanted to do it on the cheap. I was wondering if I just needed to drill the rivets and pull the baffle, or is it more difficult then that?

Hi Randy,

Send me an email. I'll return numerous files on tuning carburetors. You'll have all the intel to improve performance.

Avoid modifications that you can't easily undo. Techs have a saying; "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later." Later is always more expensive. : )

Mark Shively