Motorcycle Repair: starting problems on cb650, motorcycle salvage yard, stator coil

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I am having starter problems and battery charge problems with my 84' cb650.  when I charge the batery I only get about 1 or 2 starts with the electric starter and as soon as it fires over it just shuts itself off and I can't figure it out.  I also do not know why the starter is having trouble turning the engine over.      I bought the bike off of a friend but as far as I know the bike started going bad after a 100 mile drive.  there is also a loud clicking or knoking in the motor comming from the number 3 or 4 piston, I think it may be a stuck valve.  This is my first bike so if you have any idea as to what the problem may be, please e-mail me so that I can join the ranks of motorcycleists on the roads of Florida.
Answer - I looke at the fuse in the starter selenoid and that was blown.  all I get out of it is a click.  I am going to replace the selenoid and as far as the other things go, I am planning on tearing apart the head this week to replace the seals and clean the rest of the parts.  as far as the stator goes, I will check that next week as well.  I am planning on making a trip to a motorcycle salvage yard for most of the partrs I need, would that be ok to do being that I am on a tight money budget or should I get new parts. thanks for the response and I feel we will be talking a lot over the next few months.
Hi Robert.
 As far as the electrical problem, you need to test the stator coil, and to do that you need to have the bike running.  Get the repair manual for this as you will need access to the specs and wiring diagrams as well as other things of import to your bike.  You can get repair manuals either through a local shop, the dealership or online.

Start by checking all of the fuses, fuse connections and wiring connections in the starter system and ignition system.  Then check the wires for shorts (you will need a multimeter for this.  A cheap one will do well enough).

You could have a bad regulator/rectifier, but that is unlikely.  Test it in accordance with the repair manual's specs.

As far as the ticking sound, that is likely a valve out of adjustment if it is coming from the upper head.  Do the  complete valve adjustment with the bike overnight cold.  The proceedure is in the repair manual along with the specs.

Let me know what you find.
Good luck.

Hi Robert.
 Before you replace the solenoid, you should replace the fuse.  See if that fixes the solenoid problem.  If not, then replace the solenoid.

As far as using used parts, that should do well enough as long as the parts are in good condition.

 Try, whenever possible, to avoid using used electrical parts.  The exception being if they came off of a low milage crashed bike.

 If that's all that you can get, then just remember to be careful that you don't get parts that are already bad.

 There are used parts guys that will sell you electrical parts that they know are bad and since electrical parts have a 'no refund' policy attached, then you end up getting screwed.

 Make sure that the parts test out good before you buy a used electrical part.

Good luck.