Motorcycle Repair: Electrical System, kawasaki 250 ltd, battery terminal

Just bought a 1983 Kawasaki 250 LTD. It's a great little bike and I'm really enjoying it. However, in the last couple of days I've noticed what I think are electrical problems. I went to ride it a couple of days ago. When I turned the key on there was nothing (no lights, started would not turn over, nothing). I took the battery cover off and fiddled with the wiring. The lights came on, the bike started. It was raining, so I did not think anything more of it. Then this morning on the way to work, it coughed, sputtered, backfired, then died. I was back to nothing. I took the cover off and looked over the wiring again. Lights came on. It sputtered for about 100 feet, then clicked and seemed to be fine. Feels like I have a wiring issue. Not sure where to start. The lady that sold me the bike said the battery was new last year.

Any thoughts?

Hi Joel,

First thing to check is the battery terminal leads. Ensure that they're clean and tightly connected to the battery termianls.

Next, if that doesn't fix the problem, check all wiring connectors. You moved wires that affected the problem...look more closely at the wires in that area.

My thoughts are that you'll find it and fix it.

Mark Shively