Motorcycle Repair: Runs in paint, wet sandpaper, rubbing compound

Painted a motorcycle gas tank with orange lacquer, applied decal to side, and then clearcoated with urethane.  One second coat of clear, I had a fairly good size run on the left side of the tank in front of the decal.  I would say it is about 1 1/2 inches wide and ran down about 3 inches.  What is the best way to handle getting this run out?
Thanks for any help and guidance you can give me.


First, Make sure your clear-coat is dry before you do anything. After that, Get some "Wet" sandpaper from an autobody supply shop, get a couple of sheets of 1500 and some 2000 grit. Also at the store, get a soft sanding block, usually made out of rubber. Keeping the sandpaper REALLY wet, (I've used a water hose on top of a tank, running water is the best) gently sand down the runs, be careful not to force the sandpaper, let the sandpaper do all the work, or you might roll up or "Gum" up your clearcoat. Be patiant, because depending on the size of the run, it will take you awhile. Squeegie it off every once and awhile to see if you have gotten rid of the run. Now BE CAREFUL not to go too far, or youll go completely through the clearcoat and into the decal or base-coat, is that happens, you will have to re-paint.
After shes all sanded down, and your satisfied that the run is gone, use a buffer, and meduim rubbing compound, and simply buff out whatever you sanded. This takes tecnique.
It might be easier for you to just go to a bodyshop and twll them to get rid of the run, (believe me, they create and fix runs every week) This might save you the time and money, equipment, etc. They might only charge you a couple of bucks

Let me know how it turns out!  Hope this helps,