Motorcycle Repair: Maxim 400 maintenance, fuel leak, filter unit

I hope you can help. I purchased two bikes and both are 1982 models - one was running and the other was dropped. Now I am trying to fix the dropped bike a 1982 Maxim 400.  I'm fairly confident I can handle the handlebar replacements and other cosmetic work but... I checked the bike over for anything obvious and started it up. Took a few turns and then the engine started. Problem -  A little light blue smkoe (one pipe) for a short while, then all seemed ok, then the engine revs I stopped the engine. There is a small fuel leak that seems to come from just behind the air filter unit. - the leak was dropping onto the stand.  The bike was cheap and I don't want to pay for work to it. I am well up for having a go myself but not sure what to do next regarding the engine. - There are only 24k miles on it and it was sitting idle for over a year now.  I'd appreciate your input on the fuel leak issue - whether it may be large complicated job, what to check for myself etc...
(I've been riding for a few years now and want to make the effort in understanding the mechancis etc and I think this is a good opportunity.

Hi Kevin.
 Since the bike was sitting for a while, I'll bet that the problem is twofold.

1)  The fuel leak is related to bad seals or a cracked fuel line.  Anything of that nature.

2)  The problem with the idle is related to gummed up carbs.  Pull, disassemble and clean the carbs.  Resynchronize them and the bike should run ok.

As far as the smoke, that may just require you to go in and adjust the valves a bit.  You'll find all the specs in the repair manual.

Have fun with it and good luck.