Nissan Repair: nissan 96 cefiro/headlights dash lights

QUESTION: hello, i was towing a trailer and i think it may be the cause for the headlights and dash lights to have stopped. the high beam is still going as well as the radio but no low beam. could it be the main relay? if so where is it located?

ANSWER: Hi Nathan -

Yes. I think you are right. Blew a fuse as it is not rated for the extra electrical load.

In the engine compartment, driver's side on the fender well. There is a box that houses all the large circuit fuses and relays. Check there for the blown circuit

Hope this helps -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what will a blown circuit look like cheers?

Hi -

If you do not have a circuit probe light, then the old fashioned way is to pull out the fuse and look to see if the metal connector between the 2 terminals is melted away.

The circuit should be labeled (low beam) so that will make things easier to find.

Hope this helps -