Nissan Repair: Nissan Pulsar 97 Dashboard, philips screwdriver, nissan pulsar

The dashboard to my 97 Nissan Pulsar keeps dropping out every so often. Whenever it happens all gages drop to zero including the fuel meter and the speedometer. How would I fix this? Could I go to a mechanic and get the dashboard and wiring fixed? Or do I need to get a new dashboard from spare parts and get someone to install it?

Hi Henry -

First of all, I would check the main wiring harness. This is located bottom part of the instrument panel. You will need to disassemble the panel a bit to get to the harness. Should be pretty basic. All you need is a philips screwdriver and some patience. There could be a loose connection there.

If you are replacing the panel, the best way is to get the panel yourself and have it installed by a reputable mechanic.

Hope this helps -