Nissan Repair: Nissan Jerking Problem, fuel pressure regulator, nissan hardbody

QUESTION: I have previously posted about my problem. posting was to
After replacing my cars Turbo, diesel injectors and reconned the diesel pump my car is driving much better but still at 3000rpms I have a jerking motion where my car looses power then kicks in and drops power again.

It is as if the diesel is not flowing properly or a valve is not opening properly. As suggestions.
I have a Nissan Hardbody 3.0TDI, 2003 Model at 180 000kilometers on the clock.

Thanks a Million


The fuel pressure regulator is most probable.

Second, the turbo waste gate could be opening too soon and that would cause lag too.

Email me back and let me know if this helps and if there is more to answer.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you for your response.
I spoke to the technician that worked on my car he did say that they did replace the regulator, boost chip and adjusted the waste gate.

I do currently have clutch issues where I sometimes battle a little bit to get in gear. Can this maybe be related?



You most probably answered the question.  If the clutch is going it will make the car jerk as it slips.  Also, I would have the master and slave cylinder looked at for leaks since you have trouble getting it to go into gears sometimes.  That is an indicator of a leaky clutch system with the master and slave cylinder.