Nissan Repair: nissan alternator, alternator belt, nissan sentra

how do i replace 1995 nissan sentra alternator

Hi William -

This is relatively simple to replace. First and foremost, disconnect the negative terminal of the battery. Then loosen the alternator belt  by undoing the mounting bolts. This is a good time to check all the fan belts and replace them if necessary, Look for cracks and frays. If they are present, replace the belts.

Once the belt is off the pulley, then disconnect the main power line that goes to the back of the alternator. there should be one or two wires, 10MM. Then continue to undo the bolts. I believe there are 3 bolts holding this alternator, 2 14MM and one 12MM if I am not mistaken. Remove the alternator carefully, and installation is the reverse of removal.

Hope this helps -