Nissan Repair: Nissan Puslar Vector GL 1989 N13 series, devil s advocate, domino effect


I think my radiator is leaking, my car has been getting really hot lately and I have had to put water in my car just about every day for the last week. It is dripping water at the front left hand side of the vehicle and the          coolant reservoir makes a bubbling sound when I stop the engine. Do you think this is the radiator? Also the cooling fan isn't rotating.

ANSWER: Hi Aislin -

Looks like you have a domino effect of issues. I think the fan was not working first, then the excessive heat caused the water pump to leak.

So, first of all, check the fan. In order of probablility, could be the fan motor, fuse, or temperature sensor.

Once the fan is repaired, then you can replace the water pump. Are you doing this yourself? You will need to remove the timing belt in order to get to it, so you might as well change that too.

Let me know if you are taking this job, I can give you detailed instructions.

Hope this helps -

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your reply calvin, before i read ur advice, my dad put stop leak in the radiator, and it the radiator is holding the water and the temp is on cool. i havent checked the fan yet, but that is next on the list.
thanks again calvin, you were very helpful. i know what to do now if this happens in the future.
hooroo mate

Hi -

I am glad you have fixed it, however, just a reminder that stop leak may not be a permanent fix, and too much stop leak will clog your cooling system, compounding the problem.

Sorry for being a devil's advocate, but just speaking from experience - Should replace the radiator as soon as you can.
