Nissan Repair: Trouble code, inifinti, trouble code

I own a 2002 Inifinti I-35(an expensive maxima) My SLP/TCS light came on, also my check engine light. The trouble code was P-1121. I connected my scan tool and it said manufacturer control and fuel air metering. I failed to mention when the lights came on, SLP/TCS, the car went into limp mode. Any information possible, would be very helpful.


The code would lead me to replace the eelctronic throttle control actuator.  The  SLP/TCS problem is most likely related since the computer uses the throttle position to make adjustments to keep the vehicle from slipping tires or burning rubber on take off.  Also, since it is a 2002 you should bleed the brakes.  I use Ford High Performance Brake Fluid since it has twice the boiling point of other DOT3 brake fluid.