Nissan Repair: Nissan - kA24E I4, nissan pintara, electric cooling fans

Hi Calvin,

My car, Nissan Pintara with KA24E I4 engine, overheats at low speed. I am trying toIndentify if thermosat is bad.

very shortly after I start car, the top radiator hose is quite hot but lower hose is cold.

after about 10 Mins and the car warms up, the top hose is very hot, and the lower hose also is hot bu not hot as the top hot is.

After the gauge indicate overheating, the top hose is extremly hot, and the lower hose is very hot. But the lower hose still is not hot as the top hose is.

So, is the thermosat still good.


Hi William -

It seems like your tstat is fine. Have you checked your electric cooling fans? They should go on when the car reaches a certain temp, or you turn the A/C on.

To check your fans, you will need a 12V lamp type circuit tester. With the car running and hot (A/C on), pull the connection to each fan on the side of the shroud (careful not to get burned!) Put the test lead into the terminals of the wire coming from the car, not going to the fan, one by one. If one terminal lights, then your fan motor is defective. Replace it.

If there is no power, you will have to check the fuses, your fan switch, cooling fan relay (this one hardly goes out).

Hope this helps -
If you need step by step to check the switch and relay, let me know!

Hope this helps