Nissan Repair: 1995 Nissan 4X4 Blows Meter Fuse, nissan 4x4, 4x4 system

When I shift the transfer case from 2H to 4H the meter fuse (10a) blows instantly causing loss of all panel functions including speedodemeter, rpm, gauges, idiot lites, etc.Where do I start? It's a 1995 Nissan 4X4 P/U model XE with the KA24E engine.


If the 2H to 4H shifter is causing the problem I would be looking at the wiring and the switches that go to the 4X4 system.  Crawl under the truck and look at the transfer case and where the shift mechanism is connected.  Now, look for the wiring and plugs to see if there is a cut on the wires and if there are not then I would unplug the switch and replace it.