Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1996 olds 3100sfi v6, first coil, rear cylinder

changing spark plus wires on the 3100sfiv6,iconected the wires to the wrong spark plugs..car will not start ...can you tell me what wire from thr coils go to what spark plus??need help..

FROM DRIVERS SIDE to passenger side standing IN FRONT OF
CAR coil towers are numbered
#1, #4, #6, #3, #2, #5
(first coil closest to brake booster is 1/4, next one in center is 6/3 and last coil closest to the Alternator is 2/5)

standing on PASSENGER SIDE OF CAR (front of engine)
even #'s are toward the front of car
odd # are toward the rear of car
#1 is toward rear passenger compartment side
#2 is toward front (radiator side)
#3 is center cylinder, passenger compartment side
#4 is center cylinder radiator side
#5 is rearward cylinder passanger compartment side
#6 is rear cylinder radiator side
Hope this helps.
Good Luck