Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 97 Olds Regency Problem, load test, batteries

I have a 97 olds regency. I have a some type of electric problem I need help with. When I go to start the car nothing happens the lights and everything come on but there is no click or sound at all. But if I wait 12 hours or more I go to start the car and it will start most of the time after I jump it off or if it start without a jump it a huge power lag like the battery is going dead. Can you Please Help? Thank you!

I would be checking the battery to see if it is the problem, followed by checking all the connections.

Be sure to have the battery load test performed on the side posts, if you are using a battery with both side and top posts. Or in other words, test the battery at the terminals that the car uses. i have seen some batteries that would test just great at one set of terminals, but not carry a load from the other set.

If the battery is good, the ignition switch may be the problem.
