Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 2000 Olds transfer case fluid, lower drain, transfercase

I was looking for help on how to properly change the transfer case fluid for a 2000 Bravada.  I have had it done once by the dealership and was pricey.  I pretty sure this is what needs to done because when I turn real sharp the front wheels shutter.  This is what they replaced last time and it fixed it for about two years.  I would like to change it myself if possible.  I know it takes a special blue (I believe) fluid.  Do I need to drain it, fill it, drive for awhile, drain it to flush, and refill again?

Hi Shawn,

Yes it sounds like you have what is known as crows hop from the transfercase,common with the bravada.
 You will need to replace the transfercase fluid,to do this drain the old out,on the back of the transfercase is 2 plugs,one on top near center the other at the lower section,remove the top one first then remove the lower,make sure you have drain pan to catch the fluid,after it is drained,take the new AUTOTRAC fluid GM p/n 12378508 you need about 5 containers,leave both plugs out and just fill about half of the first container allowing it to just drain back out,install the lower drain plug and refill the transfercase untill the fluid begins to run out of the top plug hole reinstall the top plug and drive the bravada a min of 5 miles,and do the same procedure i outlined a 2nd time,also i would drain and flush both the ft and rear diffs at that time also,this should help your crows hop on turns.if you need more help feel free to contact me.