Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1997 Achieva does not start, electronic ignition module, pressure tester

Van, I saw where you answered another question on another 1997 Achieva not starting.  His name was Paul.  If there is any chance you can also forward this to Paul so that if you do not know the answer, maybe he can help.  3 Months ago my Achieva would not start.  It sounded like it was not getting enough gas.  The mechanic (who has owned his own shop for years and reliable) said that it was the electronic ignition module which was a $300.00 plus part.  That very night it did the same thing.  Finally, on about the 10th try of starting it -- it started.  I never had the problem again until two weeks ago.  (P.S. The first time it did it, the car was starting and stopping for two weeks -- it was a hit and miss thing -- I could usually get it started on about the 4th try of starting it -- only about 2% of the starts was it giving me problems.  I had the car towed to another mechanic.  As soon as they took the car off the tow truck it started, they shut it off and it wouldn't start again.  This shop replaced the electronic ignition, replaced quite a few other parts underneath the hood and finally the security light started coming on and blinking (which it never has ever done for me).  Then they decided it was either the instrument panel and/or the ignition switch so they replaced both.  After they replaced the ignition switch it started working like it should.  (Lucky for me this is also a used car dealership and has a junk yard in back from where they took most of the parts so the cost was not enormous).  The car worked every time I started it for one week -- now it will not start again.  No one has tried replacing the fuel filter.  It was replaced less than a year ago and the car is not drivin but about 5,000 miles a year.  What would be your suggestion?

Hello Sandy,
I will try to find Pauls  letter.
But on yours, I would connect a fuel pressure tester and see if the pressure is up to spec when it won't start.
Then see if there is spark.
Then I would want to know if there are injector pulses. (get some "noid" lights).
