Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: my car, buick skylark, car work

hi tom. i have a 94 buick skylark custum 2.3 L   quad .it worked fine till 2 days ago . i was driving home when suddenly it stopped  and the engine was turned off. i turn it on and the car started normally and  everything looked fine but when i tried to shift the gear to the driving gear the engine was off again and the funny thing is that when i start the engine  and instead to shifted the gear to the driving gear i shifted to the rear gear the car work  fine and the engine dont turn off .please tell me what it is because i dont have a clue

If you look where the transmission bolts to the engine near the radiator near the drivers headlights, LOOK for a 4 wire electrical connector that plugs into the transmission in this area and unplug it. Once unplugged start the car and see if it still stalls out when you put it in gear and let me know.
