Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Chevrolet electric window, chev malibu, test light

My car is a 1999 Chev Malibu, and hope you have any idea. My driver's side window won't go up. It will go down, but not up. All the others seem to work just fine. I pulled out the box in the door but everything seems to be tightly connected. Help?

Hello Patsy,
If I were guessing, I'd think switch first.
There is also a module for one touch open, which only effects the drivers window I believe.
If you take the door panel off the inside, you can check for power to the motor. You may need to pierce the wire, cause they make some of those connectors hard to get to.
There are two wires to the motor. One of them should light a test light when the button is in the up position, and the other wire should light the testlight in the down position.
If both wires light the test light in the up position, I would say the switch isn't completing the ground circuit. It needs to complete power and ground, because it reverses the polarity to change direction.
You can actually use two jumpers to the wires to check the motor.
The travel limit circuit breaker is inside the motor, and can't be repaired.
