Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1996 Olds Ciera Heating/cooling system, aluminum coils, heat fades

I seem to be losing antifreeze, and for the life of me I can't figure out where; all hoses I can see seem tight, and there is no evidence of leakage underneath the car. I've started the engine and ran it until warm and it seemed fine. Then I drive for awhile, the heat fades out and the antifreeze level is down. I noticed that the GM recomendation is for DEX non-sylicate (orange) antifreeze, and I had a different brand in. Could that be part of the problem? Any ideas?

hi,justin. well the color of the anti freeze will not cause this.the dex cool is better for the aluminum coils in todays cooling system parts.it sounds like one of two things either the anti freeze is leaking into the combustion chamber and burning up .head gasket.but this will always be accompanied by steam out the exhaust and a strong sweet odor.the other possibility is the fluid is leaking down and being burnt up by the exhaust system.and possibly heater core.feel the carpet on the pass side if it is wet core is leaking.if none of this take your car and have the cooling system pressurized this will find the leak..please take a min of your time to rate my help ty billymac