Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Wiper Replacement, subaru impreza, wiper blade

I saw that you were recognized as one of the top experts, so I thought you might be able to help with a question on wiper replacement.  I have a 2000 Subaru Impreza and can't figure out how to replace the entire wiper blade unit.  I have had to resort to slipping off the rubber blade and slipping in the new one.  I emailed Subaru but got no response.  

Thanks for your help.

hi joe .well not knowing exactly what type you have.and at the risk of telling you a wrong answer that may break something.i will only give you a suggestion.and don,t laugh i have worked in all major auto makers dealerships.drive to the dealer go inside ask the service desk if they can come out and show you how to change these blades .and don,t worry they won,t laugh either.these are very complicated cars.and experts at the store will be happy to help you.after all if you like your suburu maybe you will buy another.please take a sec to rate my service ty billymac