Plymouth Repair: 1993 Plymouth mini-van power window, wd 40, weather changes

The driver's side power window sometimes stops  working.  But it only happens (sometimes) when I completely close the window.  It starts working again whenever it feels like it...for example, if the weather changes and it starts to rain.  To keep the power window working, I close it but stop the window 1/4 inch from the top.  If the window is not allowed to close completely, the power will always work.  This is a goofy problem that no one has been able to help me with.  Any suggestions?

hello ree
this is a window track problem remove the door panel and look at the tracks  where the window goes up and down hook the switch back up run window down and up watch to see where it is ketching . then spray track with wd 40 this will fix that window . good luck to u pete and if u need more help let me know pete