Pontiac Repair: Help Please, srs airbag, grand prix gt

I have a 1999 grand prix gt with a 3.8 non supercharged motor, The srs airbag light, trac off light, and the abs light come on and go off and when this happens it will shut my headlights off until they go out but it only kicks them off on low beam any ideas what could be causing this?

Hi andrew:

it sounds like you either have a bad ignition switch or a bad power feed going to the ignition switch. when it's acting up you going to have to check for powper battery volatge to the fuses in the fuse box. if you have less then battery voltage to the fues you have high resistnace somehwre between the battery and the fuses. the most likley cuase is the ignition switch. second most likely place is the pass thru in the fire wall under the glove box. The power feeds have a tendency to corrode in that area. good luck :-)