Pontiac Repair: timing dohc, ecotech engine, links on the chain

I'm doing a head gasket on an 08 g6 4 cylinder. I would like to know how to get the camshafts out without mesjsing up the timing

Hi rick:
the ecotech engine is really pretty easy to time but to do it correctly you will need to take the front timing cover off. But you can short cut it. get the engine up on TDC for #1 on compression. there is a 0 degree mark on the timing cover and a notch on the balancer line those up if you looking at the timing cover straight on it's at about the 11:00 posiiton. then use an 8MM bolt and run it into the balancer though bolt untill it bottoms out on the front cover that will prevent the crank from turning. take the valve cover off and you will see 2 arrows on the cam gears. use a paint stick and park the chain at those arrows and mark the arrows that is going to be your refrence marks, take the tensioner our of the block for the chain ad you ready to go and take it all apart. when you put it all back together you can just line your marks back up. if you don't like that tahe the front timing cover off and line all your marks up that way. there are 3 different colored links on the chain 2 of them will line up on the cam gear arrows and the third one will line up on the crank gear. the crank gear has a dot on it at the 5:00 position if you have the crank at TDC #1. hope that is not too confusing for you?
Good luck Hope that helps.