Pontiac Repair: STRONG GAS ODOR, rust belt, plenium

Our 01 Pont. GP [3.1L] has a strong odor of gasoline when driving...also after it has been parked in our garage. Fumes are almost overwhelming. I've checked for leaks under the hood and under body along the fuel line. Nothing obvious.
This condition comes and goes, but has been noticeable for some time. Any suggestions?

Hi Dan:

it could be a few things. If you have a STRONG odor then it is most likley a leak and the fuel is vaporizing. rather then from the evap system (emission) canister where the fuel is already in a vapor state. If you live in the rust belt then I would long and hard at the lines and the fuel filter. which is under in front of the left rear tire. if not ther then maybe a fuel pressure regualtor or a fuel injetor leaking under the intake manifold upper plenium. with out seeing it It's hard to say but those ate the likley places for a leak. usually ther are not issues with the tank or pump being that they are all plastic and rot in not a factor. Good luck and happy holidays.